Military Relocator Real Estate & Property Management

License #: C19735

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Military Relocator Real Estate & Property Management

License #: C19735

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30 listing lead generation ideas for a post-NAR settlement market

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 04:00
If you want to build the listing side of your business in the wake of the NAR settlement, Jimmy Burgess has 30 practical, actionable, doable strategies tailor-made for this moment.

Broker Spotlight: A.J. Palomar, The Agency Reno

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 04:00
Find out how this former banker put his financial acumen to work for buyers and sellers throughout Reno's neighborhoods.

3 advantages of tailoring your marketing strategy to niche buyers

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 03:55
When you think long and hard about who you’re speaking to and what they want to hear, The Agency's Rainy Hake Austin writes, you’ll see your efforts rewarded with a full pipeline, satisfied customers and great ROI. 

Maximizing profits by collaborating with real estate wholesalers

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 03:09
Agents willing to collaborate with reputable wholesalers will tap into new market segments, industry expert Andrew Helling writes, while elevating their own service offerings for clients and capturing once-elusive listings from motivated sellers.

Mauricio Umansky’s 4 brokerage-building growing pains to watch for

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 03:01
With forethought and savvy decision-making, The Agency's Mauricio Umansky writes, you can overcome your brokerage's biggest obstacles.

Teams Spotlight: Asset Advisory Team at Elegran

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Thu, 2024-04-11 03:00
Learn how these award-winning team members got their start in real estate and what they're predicting for the year ahead.
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